- Türk Lirası Hesap için: TR71 0004 6013 8688 8000 0436 34
- USD Hesap için: TR68 0004 6013 8600 1000 0736 52
The participation fee for the symposium is 1000 ₺ (40 $). The fee includes two papers, congress kit, refreshments, and activities. For the 3rd paper onwards, there will be a charge of 500 ₺ (20 $) per paper. The symposium fee for poster and video presentations is 750 ₺ (30 $). The participation fee is per person and is valid for two papers. Paid participation fees will not be refunded. In joint-authorship works, all authors intending to participate in the symposium must pay the fee. For joint-authorship works, authors who do not wish to attend the symposium but want to receive the congress kit must pay a fee of 500 ₺ (20 $).
Account number: Egitim Kültür ve Birliktelik Dern.
- For Turkish Lira Account: TR71 0004 6013 8688 8000 0436 34
- For USD Account: TR68 0004 6013 8600 1000 0736 52